Reima paahto down jacket, golden yellow | 164cm
Reima paahto down jacket, golden yellow | 164cm
Reima paahto down jacket, golden yellow | 164cm
Reima paahto down jacket, golden yellow | 164cm
Reima paahto down jacket, golden yellow | 164cm

Reima paahto down jacket, golden yellow | 164cm

Normaali hinta€25,00

  • Valitse Ninyes 2nd hand - keskimäärin 82% vähemmän CO2 päästöjä.

Reima Paahto is 2-in-1 jacket for kids. It is made of fabric that stores heat with the help of ground coffee. Ground coffee is carbonised at a very high temperature and pulverised into microscopic particles that have honeycomb structure. New coffee bean shimmer fabric together with down insulation provide warmth to children outdoors. The hood and sleeves can be removed, so you can easily turn the jacket to a vest - multifunctional, right? Straight cut. Fluorocarbon-free water and dirt repellent finish BIONIC-FINISH®ECO.

Inside the collar is slightly darkened and back of the sleeve, hem and shoulder has stains as shown in the picture. 

Material: shell, lining and membrane:  100% polyester, insulation: 60% duck down, 40% duck feather

Fabric type: outdoor fabric 

Color: golden yellow

Production year: 2021 

Product code: 531574

Technical features apply for new products.

Kuntoluokitus: Joitain vikoja - Tässä tuotteessa on näkyviä tahroja tai tahra.

Yhdessä kumppanibrändiemme kanssa tarjoamme sinulle valikoiman hyväkuntoisia secnd hand vaatteita naisille ja lapsille. Lisäksi tarjoamme Resale-palvelun, jonka kautta on super helppoa ja näppärää kierrättää käytetyt vaatteet. 

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