Kalevala Koru hattulan lintu necklace, bronze
- Valitse Ninyes 2nd hand - keskimäärin 82% vähemmän CO2 päästöjä.
Hattulan lintu necklace in bronze. This item has some patina.
The northern peoples developed a special relationship with waterfowl. For them, waterfowl symbolize fertility. For the people of Pohjola, the spring return of the birds was a promise of summer, the beginning of the new. With the return of waterfowl, it was known that nature would come back to life. Waterfowl had the magic of fertility. The subject of this bird is from Hattula's Luurila from the 10th century.
Chain length: 60cm
Material: bronze
Color: bronze
Kuntoluokitus: Hyvä - Tämä tuote on hyvässä kunnossa, alkuperäinen väri on hieman haalistunut.
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