
Harold's Bags leather tryo shopper, petrol

Normaali hinta €125,00 Alehinta€62,50 Ale 50%

  • Valitse Ninyes 2nd hand - keskimäärin 82% vähemmän CO2 päästöjä.

Harold's Bags Tryo Shopper is made with vegetable tanned cowhide 'Vaquetta". Thus, the extremely light leather is 100% chrome-free. The surface has a velvety feel. The leather is absolutely natural and the colors discreetly applied. Thus, the natural grain of the leather is completely preserved. As the name suggests, the model is characterized by a three-part design. Between the two main zippered compartments is a slightly lower zippered compartment, which can be protected smaller accessories such as cell phone, keys or wallet. The special cut of the shopper and the soft leather give the bag a "crumpled volume" that makes it so likeable as a companion.

Details: 2 main zippered compartments 1 zippered compartment in the middle 1 zippered back compartment outside 2 adjustable shoulder straps. Made in Colombia.

Material: 100% vegetable tanned cowhide 'Vaqueta'. Lining: cotton 

Color: petrol

Size: 24 x 12 x 32 cm

Article number: TR2

Kuntoluokitus: Erinomainen - Tämä tuote näyttää uudelta, siinä on vielä tuotetägi kiinni.

Yhdessä kumppanibrändiemme kanssa tarjoamme sinulle valikoiman hyväkuntoisia secnd hand vaatteita naisille ja lapsille. Lisäksi tarjoamme Resale-palvelun, jonka kautta on super helppoa ja näppärää kierrättää käytetyt vaatteet. 

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