Reima passo 2.0 shoes, purple | 24
Reima passo 2.0 shoes, purple | 24
Reima passo 2.0 shoes, purple | 24
Reima passo 2.0 shoes, purple | 24
Reima passo 2.0 shoes, purple | 24

Reima passo 2.0 shoes, purple | 24

Normaali hinta€20,00

  • Valitse Ninyes 2nd hand - keskimäärin 82% vähemmän CO2 päästöjä.

Reima Passo shoes has improved water resistance, thanks to a higher outsole edge and less stitching on the upper. Ideal for the milder days of autumn and winter, these vegan-friendly boots are crafted from materials that are lightweight and resilient. Their waterproof membrane covers the lower part of the foot while the sole is flexible and cushioning. These stylish Reimatec® sneakers for toddlers and kids come with removable EVA insoles for extra warmth and comfort. 

Other features:

  • Waterproof membrane
  • Reflecting details
  • Removable insoles
  • Upper made of synthetic material and textile
  • Easy two-point velcro fastening
  • Vegan
  • Outsole material flexible and lightweight dual density polyurethane

Material: upper shoe: 52% polyurethane, 48% polyester, lining: 100% cotton, insole: 100% cotton, outsole: 100% polyurethane

Fabric: Outdoor activity

Color: purple

Care: Brush/wipe off dirt and dry at room temperature. Close straps before washing.

Product code: 5400010A

Technical features apply for new products. 

Kuntoluokitus: Hyvä - Tämä tuote on hyvässä kunnossa, alkuperäinen väri on hieman haalistunut.

Yhdessä kumppanibrändiemme kanssa tarjoamme sinulle valikoiman hyväkuntoisia secnd hand vaatteita naisille ja lapsille. Lisäksi tarjoamme Resale-palvelun, jonka kautta on super helppoa ja näppärää kierrättää käytetyt vaatteet. 

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